In the Beginning ...

ack a long, long time ago, when clans were new to Turf, there was fighting over potential new members. And so out from the constant requests to JOIN JOIN JOIN, came a rebel group. Some were friends, others just those who shared the common dream of exclusion. And so they formed their own quasi clan, called NO. But it was not a real clan, it was a defiance of real clans. They were tired of being asked to JOIN everytime they logged on, even if they said NO. They wanted to show there was a group of players that did not want to join clans, and so put NO in either their titles or descriptions.

fter much time had passed, the rebel group realised the folly of their ways: they were really forming a clan, a clan called NO. They realised that they could be stronger and better if they made a clan of their own. And so under the leadership of Golden, the gods were begged for a clan, and so in time it was granted. And they become the New Order clan, reformed from their old ways and ready to stand together through the rocky times ahead.

he number of members grew, and NO soon found itself with many loyal followers. The clan held through the uncertain times as clans were updated and altered by the changing needs of Turf. It came through the hard times when idle and dead clans were plucked out of existence by the gods. It also made it through the changing status of Player Killing and Player Stealing. NO has seen it all and it still stands strong.

The Members of NO in Order of Appearance

Name History
Golden The original and current Overlord
Naka One of the original rebels
Waxxers One of the original rebels, resigned to retire
Sassy One of the original rebels, quit to join LOD
Kandles NO clan recruit, idled out of the clan
Able NO clan recruit, still with the clan
Ivory NO clan recruit, resigned to join a monastery
Ebony NO clan recruit, resigned to join a monastery
Framed NO clan recruit, idled out of the clan
Mars NO clan recruit, resigned
Jupiter NO clan recruit, and current Chieftain
Twilight NO clan recruit, resigned
Photon NO clan recruit, still with the clan
Photino NO clan recruit, still with the clan
Ganymede NO clan recruit, idled out of the clan
Johnson NO clan recruit, resigned to join Acid
Nog NO clan recruit, still with the clan
Flax NO clan recruit, resigned
Melody NO clan recruit, exiled due to inactivity
Finraer NO clan recruit, exiled due to inactivity
Mtf NO clan recruit, still with the clan
Jaffa NO clan recruit, exiled due to inactivity
Reese NO clan recruit, exiled due to inactivity
Pyro NO clan recruit, exiled due to inactivity
Cod NO clan recruit, resigned to spend more time with his family
Golsar NO clan recruit, resigned
Balfunk NO clan recruit, exiled due to inactivity
Mobius NO clan recruit, exiled due to inactivity
Wychwood NO clan recruit, still with the clan
Joan NO clan recruit, exiled due to inactivity
Arcita NO clan recruit, still with the clan
Radiant NO clan recruit, exiled due to inactivty
Night NO clan recruit, resigned
Catharsis NO clan recruit, still with the clan
Xanthias NO clan recruit, still with the clan
Deathmate NO clan recruit, still with the clan