Clan Pie Charts

Score Total Clan Score of Each Clan
Members Number of Members in Each Clan
Gold Total Gold Held by Each Clan
Sales Tax Sales Tax of Each Clan
Mobile Deaths Total Number of Deaths in Each Clan Due to Mobiles
Mobile Kills Total Number of Mobile Kills by Each Clan
Player Deaths Total Number of Deaths in Each Clan Due to Other Players
Player Kills Total Number of Player Kills Made by Each Clan
Player Losses Total Number of Losses to Other Clans Due to Theft
Player Thefts Total Number of Thefts by Each Clan Against Members of Other Clans
Subchiefs Number of Subchiefs in Each Clan
Clanheroes Number of Clanheroes in Each Clan
Chieftain Gold Hourly Withdrawal Amount for Chieftains in Each Clan
Subchief Gold Hourly Withdrawal Amount for Subchiefs in Each Clan
Clanhero Gold Hourly Withdrawal Amount for Clanheroes in Each Clan
Clansman Gold Hourly Withdrawal Amount for Clansmen in Each Clan